Paramilitary fighters contracted measles in North Darfur: Medical source

Dozens of paramilitary combatants infected with measles have arrived in El Fasher academic hospital, a medical source in the hospital reported.

A patient and his relatives in El Fasher Teaching Hospital (Albert González Farran/Unamid)

Dozens of paramilitary combatants infected with measles have arrived in El Fasher academic hospital, a medical source in the hospital reported.

The medical source told Radio Dabanga that the hospital has received about 60 members of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on Friday and Saturday. The hospital has set-up a centre in the northern wing to isolate the measle cases. “Even authorities are prohibited to approach them.

“Measles infection spreads rapidly,” the source warned. The military authorities had not announced the infections before their arrival in the hospital.

The source claimed that the infected combatants came from the military camp at Jadid El Seil, and the camp of the RSF, at the southern gate of El Fasher city.

Humanitarian aid organisations are known to carry out measles vaccinations among children: in 2017, they vaccinated more than 520,000 children in Sudan, according to the United Nations’ humanitarian office OCHA.

