ON AIR – podcast #3

Salaam aleikum! Here is the final ON AIR podcast for Radio Dabanga’s crowdfunding campaign. In the chair this week we had Marte Bosma, a student of the Willem de Kooning Academy. She did an interview with Jan-Joseph Stok about the dangers of his travels through Darfur as a photojournalist.
We only have a few days left to crowdfund to keep Radio Dabanga on air. If you can share our campaign in any way, please do!

Jan-Joseph Stok wearing a kadamool (Marte Bosma)

Salaam aleikum! Here is the final ON AIR podcast for Radio Dabanga's crowdfunding campaign. A podcast about what is happening in Sudan, how Radio Dabanga works, and why your support to the radio station is so important.

In the chair this week we had Marte Bosma, a student of the Willem de Kooning Academy. She did an interview with Jan-Joseph Stok about the dangers of his travels through Darfur as a photojournalist. 

If you would like to see the pictures Jan-Joseph made and how he makes the traditional kadamool – which he had to wear during his time in Darfur – please watch Marte's video here!

We only have a few days left to crowdfund to keep Radio Dabanga on air. If you can share our campaign in any way, please do!



