North Kordofan: Two deaths, at least 60 cases of haemorrhagic fever

The North Kordofan Ministry of Health acknowledged two *haemorrhagic fever deaths in El Obeid, after denying an outbreak in the region earlier.

The North Kordofan Ministry of Health acknowledged two *haemorrhagic fever deaths in El Obeid, after denying an outbreak in the region earlier.

Federal Minister of Health, Dr Ibrahim El Ansari, in cooperation with the World Health Organisation, visited El Obeid’s isolation centre and confirmed 60 cases of haemorrhagic fever.

In a statement by the health minister, he stressed the importance of combating the outbreak by “continuing the spray campaign to cover the infected areas”.

According to the minister, the number of people admitted do not reflect the reality of the real situation, as many cases are yet to reach the hospital and be accounted for.

Dr El Ansari called for the region to continue their efforts and implement the best plans and strategies in hospitals to “strengthen the health system”.

* Haemorrhagic fevers are severe acute viral infections, usually with a sudden onset of fever, malaise, headache, and myalgia followed by pharyngitis, vomiting, diarrhoea, skin rash, and haemorrhagic manifestations. The outcome is fatal in more than 50 per cent of the cases, the World Health Organisation reports. Among the fevers recently recorded in Sudan are dengue fever and Rift Valley fever (RVF). Viruses that cause dengue fever are transmitted by mosquitoes. RVF can be acquired either by a mosquito bite or by direct contact with blood or tissues of infected animals (mainly sheep), including consumption of unpasteurised milk.


