North Darfur schoolgirl raped, militiaman at large

A 13-year-old girl was raped in El Taweisha locality in North Darfur on Monday, on her way to school.

A 13-year-old girl was raped in El Taweisha locality in North Darfur on Monday.

A witness told Radio Dabanga that a member of the Sudanese Central Reserve Forces (popularly known as Abu Tira) attacked the schoolgirl on her way to school on Monday morning. He raped her at gunpoint.

The victim has been transferred to the hospital. She was bleeding and traumatised, according to the witness. 

“The family of the girl informed the local police about the incident, and they managed to confront the perpetrator.”

He refused to surrender himself, however, and the police fled while the Abu Tira member held them at gunpoint. Information about the exact circumstances of their confrontation could not yet be obtained on Tuesday.

