North Darfur schoolgirl (13) survives brutal rape

A 13-year-old schoolgirl has been admitted to the Unamid hospital in Kabkabiya with serious injuries after being raped and stabbed in a vicious attack, allegedly by a militiaman, at 3 pm on Tuesday.

A 13-year-old schoolgirl has been admitted to the Unamid hospital in Kabkabiya with serious injuries after being raped and stabbed in a vicious attack, allegedly by a militiaman, at 3 pm on Tuesday.

A relative of the victim told Radio Dabanga that Fadna Adam Mohamed and her 10-year-old sister, who live in Kabkabiya camp for the displaced, were collecting firewood at Bir Jongu, north of Kabkabiya.

“The sisters were attacked by a militiaman, who first raped Fadna, and then stabbed her twice with a knife in her genitals, causing internal injuries."

The doctor's report from Unamid’s Mongolian Level II Hospital in Kabkabiya, obtained by Radio Dabanga (see right), confirms the rape and knife injuries to her vagina and bladder, which led to internal bleeding.

While the rape has been reported, no suspect has been named, and no arrests have been made.


According to a report by the Sudanese Ministry of the Interior last week, Sudan witnessed 348 rape cases during one year, and 43 of these cases were reported in Darfur. Meanwhile the Darfur Criminal Prosecutor El Fatih Taifour reported last month nearly 40 complaints of rape in 2017 alone.

