Non-signatory movements unanimously reject Doha negotiations

Non-signatory movements of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) unanimously rejected the invitation and appeal extended by the Doha mediators to integrate in the peace process as soon as possible.The groups include the Sudan Liberation Movement led by Minnawi (SLM-MM), SLM-AN and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), spokesman of SLM-AN, Nimr Mohamed Abdel Rahman, told Radio Dabanga.  The invitation followed the announcement that a splinter group of JEM signed a declaration affirming their commitment to the peace process, Radio Dabanga reported on Monday October 22. The splinter group committed itself to the peace progress by resuming negotiations with the Government of Sudan (GoS). Nimer Abdel Rahman, spokesman of SLM-AN, told Radio Dabanga that the movement will keep their initial position and assured they will not negotiate with, what he called, the ‘genocide regime in Khartoum’. The spokesman confirmed that the movement and its factions, included in the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) reject all partial solutions. He added that a comprehensive solution would include a regime change in Khartoum, which the movements are working to achieve, he added to Radio Dabanga in this regard. Conditions  Abdullah Mursal, spokesman of SLM-MM,  told Radio Dabanga that the movement rejects the principle of negotiation with the GoS.  However, he said negotiations could take place if the following conditions are adhered to: 1) the mediators must be neutral 2) the place where negotiations take place must be neutral 3) negotiations must follow a clear and systematic methodology 4) negotiations must be safeguarded by the international community as well as the regional authorities. Mursal pointed out that none of the conditions are included in the DDPD and stressed that it is nothing more than a bilateral agreement between the National Congress Party and splinter groups claiming affiliation with SLM-MM. He stated that this does not contribute to solving the conflict in Sudan. Negotiations to be resumed Dr. Amin Hassan Omer, state minister at the presidency and head of the DDPD follow-up office, announced that the negotiations between the Government of Sudan and a splinter faction of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), led by Mohamed Bashar Ahmed Abdel Rahman, will resume on November 22 in Doha, officials of both parties said in a press statement. Omer stated that the negotiations will mainly focus on the security arrangements and political participation of the group. In a press conference on Wednesday October 24, he expressed his hope that an agreement will be reached with the splinter group before the donors’ conference in Doha, scheduled for December this year. He emphasized that the continuation of negotiations is an important step for the DDPD and that “it won new friends and partners who will be involved in its implementation on political, security as well as executive levels.” 

Non-signatory movements of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) unanimously rejected the invitation and appeal extended by the Doha mediators to integrate in the peace process as soon as possible.

The groups include the Sudan Liberation Movement led by Minnawi (SLM-MM), SLM-AN and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), spokesman of SLM-AN, Nimr Mohamed Abdel Rahman, told Radio Dabanga. 

The invitation followed the announcement that a splinter group of JEM signed a declaration affirming their commitment to the peace process, Radio Dabanga reported on Monday October 22.

The splinter group committed itself to the peace progress by resuming negotiations with the Government of Sudan (GoS).

Nimer Abdel Rahman, spokesman of SLM-AN, told Radio Dabanga that the movement will keep their initial position and assured they will not negotiate with, what he called, the ‘genocide regime in Khartoum’.

The spokesman confirmed that the movement and its factions, included in the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) reject all partial solutions. He added that a comprehensive solution would include a regime change in Khartoum, which the movements are working to achieve, he added to Radio Dabanga in this regard.


Abdullah Mursal, spokesman of SLM-MM,  told Radio Dabanga that the movement rejects the principle of negotiation with the GoS. 

However, he said negotiations could take place if the following conditions are adhered to: 1) the mediators must be neutral 2) the place where negotiations take place must be neutral 3) negotiations must follow a clear and systematic methodology 4) negotiations must be safeguarded by the international community as well as the regional authorities.

Mursal pointed out that none of the conditions are included in the DDPD and stressed that it is nothing more than a bilateral agreement between the National Congress Party and splinter groups claiming affiliation with SLM-MM. He stated that this does not contribute to solving the conflict in Sudan.

Negotiations to be resumed

Dr. Amin Hassan Omer, state minister at the presidency and head of the DDPD follow-up office, announced that the negotiations between the Government of Sudan and a splinter faction of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), led by Mohamed Bashar Ahmed Abdel Rahman, will resume on November 22 in Doha, officials of both parties said in a press statement.

Omer stated that the negotiations will mainly focus on the security arrangements and political participation of the group. In a press conference on Wednesday October 24, he expressed his hope that an agreement will be reached with the splinter group before the donors’ conference in Doha, scheduled for December this year.

He emphasized that the continuation of negotiations is an important step for the DDPD and that “it won new friends and partners who will be involved in its implementation on political, security as well as executive levels.” 

