‘No rule of law’ in North Darfur’s Kutum

Several displaced residents of Fata Borno camp in Kutum locality, North Darfur, were assaulted by gunmen on Sunday. Kutum has had no police for more than two years. A resident of the camp told Radio Dabanga that “pro-government militiamen” beat and tied-up Adam Idris, and took his knife and mobile phone. Kamal Kubash was beaten and had his arm broken, while Abdallah Ibrahim Jabir was robbed of his mobile phone and his shoes. The source noted that the abuses by “these Janjaweed” have extended. “They now grind their grains in the mills without paying; they assault butchers, stealing their meat and money; they release their camels and livestock by force on the farmlands, and steal the belongings of the farmers, even their clothes.” Black masks “The absence of police, prosecutors and judiciary left our town prone to the whims of the militias. The situation in Kutum is extremely insecure because there is no rule of law.” The camp resident added that “the latest phenomenon of lawlessness consists of government-backed militiamen wearing black masks roaming in and around the town. The people are terrified by their presence”. He also complained of the local authorities’ imposition of taxes on market traders and merchants. “Shop owners have to pay amounts ranging between SDG4,000 ($700) and SDG5,000 ($872) within less than two months.” File photo: Military guards in front of a bank branch in Kutum (Radio Dabanga) Related: ‘Militia control Kutum in North Darfur’: residents (23 January 2014)340 lorries ‘stuck’ in Kutum, North Darfur (13 November 2013)Lawlessness in Kutum due to absence of Darfur police (29 November 2013)

Several displaced residents of Fata Borno camp in Kutum locality, North Darfur, were assaulted by gunmen on Sunday. Kutum has had no police for more than two years.

A resident of the camp told Radio Dabanga that “pro-government militiamen” beat and tied-up Adam Idris, and took his knife and mobile phone. Kamal Kubash was beaten and had his arm broken, while Abdallah Ibrahim Jabir was robbed of his mobile phone and his shoes.

The source noted that the abuses by “these Janjaweed” have extended. “They now grind their grains in the mills without paying; they assault butchers, stealing their meat and money; they release their camels and livestock by force on the farmlands, and steal the belongings of the farmers, even their clothes.”

Black masks

“The absence of police, prosecutors and judiciary left our town prone to the whims of the militias. The situation in Kutum is extremely insecure because there is no rule of law.”

The camp resident added that “the latest phenomenon of lawlessness consists of government-backed militiamen wearing black masks roaming in and around the town. The people are terrified by their presence”.

He also complained of the local authorities’ imposition of taxes on market traders and merchants. “Shop owners have to pay amounts ranging between SDG4,000 ($700) and SDG5,000 ($872) within less than two months.”

File photo: Military guards in front of a bank branch in Kutum (Radio Dabanga)


‘Militia control Kutum in North Darfur’: residents (23 January 2014)

340 lorries ‘stuck’ in Kutum, North Darfur (13 November 2013)

Lawlessness in Kutum due to absence of Darfur police (29 November 2013)

