‘New Prosecutor for Crimes in Darfur will bring nothing new’: displaced

The Darfur displaced have denounced the appointment of a new Prosecutor for Crimes in Darfur, calling it “just a new scenario” to cover up the crimes committed in the region and to deceive the international and regional community.
Omda Ahmed Ateem, coordinator of the North Darfur camps told Radio Dabanga that the displaced will not see justice by the replacement of prosecutor Yasir Ahmed Mohamed by El Fateh Taifour Eisa.

The Darfur displaced have denounced the appointment of a new Prosecutor for Crimes in Darfur, calling it “just a new scenario” to cover up the crimes committed in the region and to deceive the international and regional community.

Omda Ahmed Ateem, coordinator of the North Darfur camps told Radio Dabanga that the displaced will not see justice by the replacement of prosecutor Yasir Ahmed Mohamed by El Fateh Taifour Eisa.

“The Darfuri displaced do not trust any person appointed by this government of indicted criminals. The first to be prosecuted are President Omar Al Bashir himself, his former Interior Affairs and later Defence Minister Abdelrahim Hussein, and Janjaweed leader Musa Hilal.”

“Moreover, what has Mohamed done with the widespread crimes committed during the first years (2003-04) of the war in Darfur?,” he asked.

On Saturday, the new Prosecutor for Crimes in Darfur arrived at El Fasher, capital of North Darfur, where he will assume his duties this week. During a press conference upon his arrival, he stressed the “seriousness of the Sudanese government and its Ministry of Justice to ban impunity by restoring the rule of law”.

Eisa explained that his competences are regulated by international humanitarian law and the Sudanese Terrorism Bill of 2001, along with any other penal law the Minister of Justice can decide on.

