New NCP governor in West Darfur to replace officials

Ja’afar Abdel-Hakim Isaaq, the newly elected governor of West Darfur, has issued a resolution removing counselors, ministers, and other officials in the state. He is expected to form a new government through his own appointments. Abdel-Hakim told the authorities concerned to take all necessary measures to implement this resolution. The newly elected governor had previously held the governorship from 2005 to 2007. He won the NCP nomination after a quarrel within the party during a nomination meeting in El Geneina held in December 2009. He replaces Abu El Gasim El Haj, a former rebel commander of the Sudan Liberation Movement. The former rebel became governor of the state in March 2007 under the terms of the 2006 Darfur Peace Agreement, which provided for pre-election power sharing within Darfur. However, Abu El Gasim chose not to contest the election. 

Ja’afar Abdel-Hakim Isaaq, the newly elected governor of West Darfur, has issued a resolution removing counselors, ministers, and other officials in the state. He is expected to form a new government through his own appointments. Abdel-Hakim told the authorities concerned to take all necessary measures to implement this resolution. The newly elected governor had previously held the governorship from 2005 to 2007. He won the NCP nomination after a quarrel within the party during a nomination meeting in El Geneina held in December 2009. He replaces Abu El Gasim El Haj, a former rebel commander of the Sudan Liberation Movement. The former rebel became governor of the state in March 2007 under the terms of the 2006 Darfur Peace Agreement, which provided for pre-election power sharing within Darfur. However, Abu El Gasim chose not to contest the election. 

