New Darfur governors to address security and development issues

During a visit of the new governor of East Darfur, native administrations and women groups demand the provision of necessary services to their localities.

The native administration, notables and factions of the women and youth in East Darfur state have demanded from the new Governor to impose the state's prestige, and provide them with of the necessary services to Adila and Abu Karinka localities.

Governor Anas Omar toured the localities on Wednesday, accompanied by the state's Education minster, the speaker of the Legislative Council and members of the East Darfur security committee. He listened to reports from the Abu Karinka and Adila security committees and met with the native administrations, notables, youth and women who called for the need to provide them with the necessary services and expand the participation of people at the federal and state levels.

Siddig Abdelnabi Hassan, the state Minister of Education, called upon the residents of the two localities to “forget the bitterness of the past”, and instead think about “reconciliation and tolerance especially during the holy month of Ramadan”.

In a statement to Suna news agency, the minister promised that in the days ahead, textbooks and seating materials would arrive to Abu Karinka and Adila, in preparation for the beginning of the school year.

Meanwhile in South Darfur, new Governor Adam El Faki stressed that there is a deterioration in education and health, saying that many students have become school drop-outs. This reflects negatively on the state's social peace and security, the governor claimed this week. He further announced that security, stability, peace, and development for the citizens of the state as his top priorities in the coming period. El Faki called on the armed rebel movements in Darfur to move to development and peace.

East Darfur state has witnessed renewed clashes between the Rizeigat and Ma'aliya tribes in the past months, in particular in Abu Karinka locality. According to the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC), 24,000 families in Abu Karinka were affected by the clashes that erupted on 11 May. 656 houses were destroyed.

