Negotiations in Juba about appointment of Sudan governors and Legislative Council

The South Sudanese mediation team at the peace negotiations in Juba announced that the appointment of governors and the Legislative Council will be discussed this week. The Sudanese government and the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) rebel alliance agreed to extend the negotiation period for three weeks.

Peace negotiations in Juba in December 2019 (SUNA)

The South Sudanese mediation team at the peace negotiations in Juba announced that the appointment of governors and the Legislative Council will be discussed this week. The Sudanese government and the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) rebel alliance agreed to extend the negotiation period for three weeks.

Mohamed El Ta’ayshi, spokesman for the government’s negotiating delegation, said that the necessity to achieve peace must go hand in hand with filling the administrative vacuum in Sudan’s states by appointing civilian governors.

Dhieu Mathok, Minister in the South Sudanese government and a member of the mediation team, said that the two parties will give priority to discuss the appointment of governors and the formation of the Legislative Council, but that the negotiations in the other tracks, such as Darfur, east Sudan, and Blue Nile and the Nuba Mountains will continue as well.

The mediation team announced that the government and the SRF will sign an agreement on the extension of the negotations on Monday.

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