Nearly 100 Doha civil society supporters gather in N. Darfur

A group of civil society figures gathered in the North Darfur capital under the aegis of the African Union – United Nations peacekeeping mission (UNAMID) and the AU-UN mediation team. They were there to participate in a two-day meeting.

A group of civil society figures gathered in the North Darfur capital under the aegis of the African Union – United Nations peacekeeping mission (UNAMID) and the AU-UN mediation team. They were there to participate in a two-day meeting.The civil society group comprised nearly 100 participants, according to a statement yesterday from UNAMID. The meeting was designed to follow up on the conference held in Doha in July 2010 and aimed to give a boost to the mediation team’s “dissemination exercise” – an effort to promote knowledge about the final communiqué that was issued at the July conference.

 The meeting is part of a month-long promotion effort that the peacekeeping mission announced as beginning on 19 September. The international mediators want those who participated at Doha “to share their knowledge with their respective communities,” according to UNAMID.

Other pro-Doha exercises have including a workshop with seven camp leaders conducted by the Doha follow-up mechanism on 7 September at Nyala University Peace Centre, and a gathering of approximately 90 native administrators and others at a workshop in Nyala on 29 September.

