NCP distribute handbook of allegiance in registration centres Darfur

A handbook of allegiance was distributed by the National Congress Party (NCP) for people to register their names at the voter registration centres. This is reported by eyewitnesses who regard this as an effort to buy their votes and influence them ahead of the upcoming elections.

A handbook of allegiance was distributed by the National Congress Party (NCP) for people to register their names at the voter registration centres. This is reported by eyewitnesses who regard this as an effort to buy their votes and influence them ahead of the upcoming elections. This is a violation to the elections law. The handbook brought tension and harassment to the people who wanted to register their names. The size of the people who are willing to register their names in the centres.  An eyewitness told radio Dabanga that he refused to register his name because of the allegiance handbook of the National Congress Party.

On her part, a woman told radio Dabanga that she went to the registration centre in Zalingei where she  refused to register on the allegiance handbook of the National Congress Party or to approve it.

