National Congress rejects JEM proposal for Darfur self-determination

The National Congress rejected the appeal by the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) for the right of self-determination for Darfur and Kordofan. The JEM spokesman this week had proposed self-determination for the restive Darfur province and neighbouring Kordofan, an indication of the continuing hostility between the rebels and government and the hurdles facing the peace process.

The National Congress rejected the appeal by the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) for the right of self-determination for Darfur and Kordofan. The JEM spokesman this week had proposed self-determination for the restive Darfur province and neighbouring Kordofan, an indication of the continuing hostility between the rebels and government and the hurdles facing the peace process. The Justice and Equality Movement, although it consists of mostly Zaghawa and Arab fighters from Darfur, has never been secessionist and instead has usually advocated overthrowing the regime in order to bring about greater distribution of power and wealth in the country at large.

Dr. Mohamed Mandour Al Mahdi, a senior leader of the National Congress, responded that the new JEM proposal was propaganda for domestic consumption. He called such talk objectionable and said it does not reflect at all the opinion of any citizen in the states of Darfur and Kordofan. Dr. Al Mahdi’s remarks on the issue were broadcast on Radio Dabanga on Friday.

