Murder, rape, robbery in Central Darfur

A young girl has been killed, a secondary school student raped, and a basic school pupil shot dead in separate incidents across Central Darfur on Sunday and Monday.

A young girl has been killed, a secondary school student raped, and a basic school pupil shot dead in separate incidents across Central Darfur on Sunday and Monday.

In Garsila, a perfume vendor was accosted by three gunmen when he stopped his motorcycle outside his house in the Segeregry district on Monday. A witness told Radio Dabanga that as they seized his motorcycle, the men opened fire, seriously wounding the vendor and his wife, and killing his young niece instantly.

On Sunday at 6.30am, seven militants raped a higher secondary school student in Mukjar locality. The rape was corroborated by the medical report and forensic examination.

This week Mukjar locality witnessed consecutive deadly incidents by gunmen. Most recently, a camp for Chadian refugees was attacked, ten homes pillaged, and several people wounded.

On Monday morning, 13-year-old Idris Munir Makki, a pupil of the basic school, was shot dead by militants at Mesterna district west Nierteti l in Central Darfur.

Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that three armed men wearing military uniform attacked at 4 am on Monday on Faki Idris Makki 's house and opened fire that resulted in killing his son Munir.

One of the witnesses said he did not know the motives or the reasons for the attack on the house.

A member of the Central Reserve Forces (popularly known as Abu Tira) was killed and three more abducted when militants attacked a convoy in Central Darfur on Monday.

A witness told Radio Dabanga that the convoy of nine vehicles was on the Zalingei- Nierteti road. One of the Abu Tira members died on the spot, while three more, as well as a driver, were taken by the militiamen along with a vehicle.

