More than 23,000 COVID-19 cases recorded in Sudan since start of pandemic

The General Directorate of Emergency and Epidemic Control of the Sudanese Ministry of Health announced the registration of 1,215 new coronavirus cases in the country between January 4-9.
The total number of COCID-19 cases registered in the country since the start of the pandemic in the country in March last year reached 23,379.
In the period between January 4-9, new coronavirus cases were recorded in 15 of the 18 Sudanese states. Khartoum state registered 470 new patients, El Gezira 193, El Gedaref 111, and the White Nile state 98 cases.

Arrival of 50 tons of medical supplies to combat the COVID-19 pandemic granted by Saudi Arabia (SUNA)

The General Directorate of Emergency and Epidemic Control of the Sudanese Ministry of Health announced the registration of 1,215 new coronavirus cases in the country between January 4-9.

The total number of CVID-19 cases registered in the country since the start of the pandemic in the country in March last year reached 23,379.  

In the period between January 4-9, new coronavirus cases were recorded in 15 of the 18 Sudanese states. Khartoum state registered 470 new patients, El Gezira 193, El Gedaref 111, and the White Nile state 98 cases.

Saudi grant

Saudi Arabia has sent 50 tons of medical supplies including respirators and medicines to Sudan to help confronting the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to three tons of medicines for other diseases.

The head of media and political affairs at the Saudi embassy, ​​Faisal bin Ayed Al Shehri, said during the delivery of medical supplies on Sunday, that this aid comes in accordance with the directives of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz.

The acting Director of Sudan’s National Fund for Medical Supplies, Badreldin El Jazouli welcomed the gift, and stated that the aid items “will be delivered to those who deserve it in all Sudanese states”.

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