Miner killed in Red Sea state attack

One man was killed and two more were wounded when as yet unidentified gunmen opened fire on a lorry carrying 20 traditional miners near Tokar in Sudan’s Red Sea state yesterday morning. An investigation force has been sent to the area to assess the facts.

One man was killed and two more were wounded when as yet unidentified gunmen opened fire on a lorry carrying 20 traditional miners near Tokar in Sudan’s Red Sea state yesterday morning. An investigation force has been sent to the area to assess the facts.

One of the relatives of the dead man told Radio Dabanga that an unknown armed group opened fire on the lorry as they made their way to a mining areas south of Tokar.

He explained that the gunmen fled after the attack. The body of the dead miner was taken to Port Sudan mortuary yesterday evening, while the wounded were transferred to Port Sudan Hospital.

The incident was confirmed to Radio Dabanga by the Commissioner of the locality, Mekki Abdallah, who said he has sent a force to the scent of the incident to investigate. Commissioner Abdallah said that there are conflicting reports about the scene of the incident and the nature of the attacking force.

