Militias expelled from North Kordofan arrive in South Darfur

The residents of the Nyala camps for the displaced have been living in fear for about a week, after large numbers of militiamen arrived and settled at Wadi Bileil, between Kalma and El Salam camps. Speaking to Radio Dabanga, Hussein Abu Sharati, the spokesman for the Association of Displaced People and Refugees of Darfur said that large numbers of “government-backed militiamen” in 400 Land Cruisers loaded with heavy weapons arrived a week ago in South Darfur. The gunmen came from North Kordofan where they were expelled, and sent to North and South Darfur. Abu Sharati explained that those militiamen, known as Janjaweed, are led by militia leader ‘Hemeti’. “They were mobilised by the ruling National Congress Party to fight the armed movements in South Kordofan. They returned from South Kordofan and settled in the vicinity of El Obeid in North Kordofan. There they caused so much havoc that they have been sent away by the Governor.” The “Hemeti militias” at Wadi Beleil were joined by militiamen from South Darfur, Abu Sharati added. “They arrived in more than 100 Land Cruisers loaded with heavy weapons, and on horses and camels.” The presence of huge numbers of militiamen near the camps are affecting the displaced daily live, Abu Sharati explained. “They cannot leave the camps anymore to fetch firewood or to cultivate their farmlands.” “The militiamen have already committed various crimes including robbing displaced and other citizens of their belongings, and their livestock. They stole three motorcycles, one of them belonging to Kalma camp resident Abakar Adam. They have taken many donkey carts too.” Abu Sharati stressed that the concentration of these militias in areas nearby camps for the displaced and their entering of these camps threaten the security of the displaced. “In fact, they are a threat to the safety of all the citizens in South Darfur.” The spokesman holds the Sudanese government responsible for the attacks of these Janjaweed on the displaced in the camps and the citizens on the roads. He demanded from Unamid to run patrols around El Salam and Kalma camps. File photo Related:$3 million for withdrawal of North Kordofan’s Janjaweed (14 February 2014)Janjaweed ‘causing chaos’ in North Kordofan capital (7 February 2014)Protest in El Obeid against abuses by Darfur militias (3 February 2014)Civilians, army clash with militia in South Kordofan (24 December 2013)

The residents of the Nyala camps for the displaced have been living in fear for about a week, after large numbers of militiamen arrived and settled at Wadi Bileil, between Kalma and El Salam camps.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, Hussein Abu Sharati, the spokesman for the Association of Displaced People and Refugees of Darfur said that large numbers of “government-backed militiamen” in 400 Land Cruisers loaded with heavy weapons arrived a week ago in South Darfur. The gunmen came from North Kordofan where they were expelled, and sent to North and South Darfur.

Abu Sharati explained that those militiamen, known as Janjaweed, are led by militia leader ‘Hemeti’. “They were mobilised by the ruling National Congress Party to fight the armed movements in South Kordofan. They returned from South Kordofan and settled in the vicinity of El Obeid in North Kordofan. There they caused so much havoc that they have been sent away by the Governor.”

The “Hemeti militias” at Wadi Beleil were joined by militiamen from South Darfur, Abu Sharati added. “They arrived in more than 100 Land Cruisers loaded with heavy weapons, and on horses and camels.”

The presence of huge numbers of militiamen near the camps are affecting the displaced daily live, Abu Sharati explained. “They cannot leave the camps anymore to fetch firewood or to cultivate their farmlands.”

“The militiamen have already committed various crimes including robbing displaced and other citizens of their belongings, and their livestock. They stole three motorcycles, one of them belonging to Kalma camp resident Abakar Adam. They have taken many donkey carts too.”

Abu Sharati stressed that the concentration of these militias in areas nearby camps for the displaced and their entering of these camps threaten the security of the displaced. “In fact, they are a threat to the safety of all the citizens in South Darfur.”

The spokesman holds the Sudanese government responsible for the attacks of these Janjaweed on the displaced in the camps and the citizens on the roads.

He demanded from Unamid to run patrols around El Salam and Kalma camps.

File photo


$3 million for withdrawal of North Kordofan’s Janjaweed (14 February 2014)

Janjaweed ‘causing chaos’ in North Kordofan capital (7 February 2014)

Protest in El Obeid against abuses by Darfur militias (3 February 2014)

Civilians, army clash with militia in South Kordofan (24 December 2013)

