Militiamen rob bus, abduct student in North Darfur

Militiamen allegedly assaulted a bus en route from Kabkabiya to El Fasher, capital of North Darfur, robbed the passengers and abducted a student, who been taken to an unknown destination. One of the relatives of the abducted man told Radio Dabanga that on Monday “pro-government militiamen” in a Land Cruiser halted a bus at the Kawra Mountains.They ordered all the passengers to disembark, searched them and robbed them of their money, mobile phones, jewellery and luggage. They took passenger Musa Adam Ahmed, a student at the University of Khartoum, with them. The relative noted that a few months ago, an armed group assassinated the brother of the abducted student in his home in Kabkabiya. File photo by Albert González Farran/Unamid  Related: Two wounded, four ‘missing’ in attack in Gereida, South Darfur (13 October 2013) Six women, including three minors, raped in two Darfur states (13 October 2013)Four injured after militiamen fire on army vehicle in North Darfur (2 October 2013)

Militiamen allegedly assaulted a bus en route from Kabkabiya to El Fasher, capital of North Darfur, robbed the passengers and abducted a student, who been taken to an unknown destination.

One of the relatives of the abducted man told Radio Dabanga that on Monday “pro-government militiamen” in a Land Cruiser halted a bus at the Kawra Mountains.

They ordered all the passengers to disembark, searched them and robbed them of their money, mobile phones, jewellery and luggage. They took passenger Musa Adam Ahmed, a student at the University of Khartoum, with them.

The relative noted that a few months ago, an armed group assassinated the brother of the abducted student in his home in Kabkabiya.

File photo by Albert González Farran/Unamid 


 Two wounded, four ‘missing’ in attack in Gereida, South Darfur (13 October 2013)

Six women, including three minors, raped in two Darfur states (13 October 2013)

Four injured after militiamen fire on army vehicle in North Darfur (2 October 2013)


