Militiamen kill man in ‘stable’ South Darfur

One man was killed when militiamen attacked a village south of the Nyala railway in South Darfur on Saturday. They injured four other villagers. The State Governor announced that same day that South Darfur enjoys security. The secretary-general of South Darfur’s Kalma camp for the displaced, Saleh Eisa Mohamed, reported to Radio Dabanga that the 35-year-old El Sadig Ahmed was shot dead in Bartokolo village. Bahreldin Ibrahim (30 years), Adam Hussein Mastour (37 years), Hamra Ali (45 years), and Abu Kaoda Eltom Hussein Atim sustained injuries during the attack, which took place in the evening. Eisa Mohamed said that the attack of the pro-government militiamen also resulted in villagers fleeing their homes to destinations he did not know. He then criticised the announcement of the Governor of South Darfur, who declared that security in the state is realised. “We hear about the realisation of security through the media only.” Governor Adam Mahmoud Jarelnabi announced on Saturday that displaced people are voluntarily returning to their residences, and that a phase of dismantling the camps has started. Kalma’s secretary-general criticised the speech. “The security situation is deteriorating, and pro-government militia members are still committing rape against displaced women.” Jarelnabi inspected the situation of returnees in the area of Abu Jabra, Gireida locality, on Saturday, to provide their needs during this phase of the voluntary return and reconstruction of model villages in all of Darfur. He said that these villages are currently enjoying stability. ‘Herders set Labado farms on fire’ Eisa Mohamed also reported that on Saturday, a group of herders burned Chawa village, a couple of kilometres east of Labado in East Darfur. “The incident occurred in the backdrop of a conflict between pastoralists and farmers and has created tension in the area. Several farms were destroyed.” He said that the tension causes panic amongst the residents in Chawa area, which lies in Yassin locality, close to the border of South Darfur. File photo Related:’Herders destroy harvest season’: Darfur farmers (2 November 2014) ‘Fewer crimes in South Darfur following emergency measures’ (20 October 2014)

One man was killed when militiamen attacked a village south of the Nyala railway in South Darfur on Saturday. They injured four other villagers. The State Governor announced that same day that South Darfur enjoys security.

The secretary-general of South Darfur’s Kalma camp for the displaced, Saleh Eisa Mohamed, reported to Radio Dabanga that the 35-year-old El Sadig Ahmed was shot dead in Bartokolo village. Bahreldin Ibrahim (30 years), Adam Hussein Mastour (37 years), Hamra Ali (45 years), and Abu Kaoda Eltom Hussein Atim sustained injuries during the attack, which took place in the evening.

Eisa Mohamed said that the attack of the pro-government militiamen also resulted in villagers fleeing their homes to destinations he did not know. He then criticised the announcement of the Governor of South Darfur, who declared that security in the state is realised. “We hear about the realisation of security through the media only.”

Governor Adam Mahmoud Jarelnabi announced on Saturday that displaced people are voluntarily returning to their residences, and that a phase of dismantling the camps has started. Kalma’s secretary-general criticised the speech. “The security situation is deteriorating, and pro-government militia members are still committing rape against displaced women.”

Jarelnabi inspected the situation of returnees in the area of Abu Jabra, Gireida locality, on Saturday, to provide their needs during this phase of the voluntary return and reconstruction of model villages in all of Darfur. He said that these villages are currently enjoying stability.

‘Herders set Labado farms on fire’

Eisa Mohamed also reported that on Saturday, a group of herders burned Chawa village, a couple of kilometres east of Labado in East Darfur. “The incident occurred in the backdrop of a conflict between pastoralists and farmers and has created tension in the area. Several farms were destroyed.” He said that the tension causes panic amongst the residents in Chawa area, which lies in Yassin locality, close to the border of South Darfur.

File photo


‘Herders destroy harvest season’: Darfur farmers (2 November 2014)

‘Fewer crimes in South Darfur following emergency measures’ (20 October 2014)

