Militiamen arrest, beat man and boy in Central Darfur

Militiamen beat a boy and a man after arresting them in a market in Central Darfur on Saturday. In Jebel Marra, gunmen burned sacks of charcoal during a robbery.

Sudanese and Rapid Support forces in North Darfur (Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah/Reuters)

Militiamen beat a boy and a man after arresting them in a market in Central Darfur on Saturday. In Jebel Marra, gunmen burned sacks of charcoal during a robbery.

Mohamed Adam Omar, aged 57, and 13-year-old Hussein Mohamed Adam were beaten by members of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) after they arrested them at Gurni market in Nierteti locality, Central Darfur.

Witnesses at Gurni market told Radio Dabanga that seven militia members arrived in the market in a Land Cruiser with a Dushka machine gun mounted on top. Mohamed, who works as a butcher in the market, was arrested together with his assistant.

“They were taken to an unknown destination,” a witness said. “The same day both of them were transferred to Nierteti hospital in a poor health condition.” Mohamed Adam Omar was in a coma at the time of reporting yesterday.

Robbery Jebel Marra

Gunmen have stolen donkeys and have burned 50 sacks of charcoal meant for sale at El Aradib El Ashara in eastern Jebel Marra.

A listener told Radio Dabanga that the incident took place on Sunday night at a charcoal factory, operated by Hamid Ibrahim, Abu Bakr Eisa, Adam Yacoub and Mohamed Younis.

A source confirmed that armed herders, who arrived on camels, opened fire into the air before they set fire to the charcoal sacks and stole four donkeys from the workers.

