Militia stage dramatic courtroom rescue attempt in South Darfur

Elements of the Popular Defense Forces (PDF) arriving on seven Land Cruiser trucks yesterday forcibly entered the Nyala public courthouse in an attempt to free one of their members who is facing trial. The detained man is accused of having carried a pistol without authorization. Judges and lawyers who were eyewitness to the event said that the PDF gunmen raised arms against the court police, threatening to fire. All of those present in the courthouse were forced to lie down while the gunmen demanded the release of the individual on trial. The PDF and the court police had a heated argument. Amidst the chaos the military police intervened and succeeded in taking the PDF back to their barracks. The Nyala police commander, Nyala garrison legal advisor, and the head of the judiciary in Nyala in the meantime had been rushed to the court to address the situation.

Elements of the Popular Defense Forces (PDF) arriving on seven Land Cruiser trucks yesterday forcibly entered the Nyala public courthouse in an attempt to free one of their members who is facing trial. The detained man is accused of having carried a pistol without authorization. Judges and lawyers who were eyewitness to the event said that the PDF gunmen raised arms against the court police, threatening to fire. All of those present in the courthouse were forced to lie down while the gunmen demanded the release of the individual on trial. The PDF and the court police had a heated argument. Amidst the chaos the military police intervened and succeeded in taking the PDF back to their barracks. The Nyala police commander, Nyala garrison legal advisor, and the head of the judiciary in Nyala in the meantime had been rushed to the court to address the situation.

(Radio Dabanga File Photo)

