Law students demand cancellation of tuition fee increase

Students from the faculty of law of Nyala University have raised a memorandum in solidarity with other colleges’ protests against the increase of university tuition fees, demanding its cancellation, Radio Dabanga has learned on Tuesday November 6. One of the law students told Radio Dabanga they marched in a peaceful protest from the faculty of law to the university’s administration office, after the academic affairs secretariat announced an increase of 25 Sudanese Pounds (SDG) of the tuition fees, from 75 to 100 SDG per student. He explained that the students presented a memorandum to the university director, demanding cancellation of the increase. He noted that the university administration promised to respond to the memorandum before the end of this week.

Students from the faculty of law of Nyala University have raised a memorandum in solidarity with other colleges’ protests against the increase of university tuition fees, demanding its cancellation, Radio Dabanga has learned on Tuesday November 6.

One of the law students told Radio Dabanga they marched in a peaceful protest from the faculty of law to the university’s administration office, after the academic affairs secretariat announced an increase of 25 Sudanese Pounds (SDG) of the tuition fees, from 75 to 100 SDG per student.

He explained that the students presented a memorandum to the university director, demanding cancellation of the increase. He noted that the university administration promised to respond to the memorandum before the end of this week.

