Kordofan water sit-in enters week 2

The sit-in strike being staged by residents of Lagawa Locality of West Kordofan has entered its second week, without any response from the authorities. A large number of residents have joined the sit-in on ‘Freedom Square’ in protest against the deterioration of services in the area including drinking water, lack of electricity and poor roads. One of the protestors told Radio Dabanga that despite the strike’s entry into its second week and the many protestors, no officials have come to discuss the problem. He added that the strike would continue until their demands are met. Earlier this week, Adam Hamadin Mohamed, the coordinator of the sit-in committee, told Radio Dabanga that there is a lack of electricity and that the roads in the region, north-west of Kadugli, are poor. The water in the locality is unsafe for drinking. “This is the cause of many diseases the residents are suffering from.” File photo by Albert González Farran / Unamid Related: Sit-in for drinking water in South Kordofan (17 November 2014)

The sit-in strike being staged by residents of Lagawa Locality of West Kordofan has entered its second week, without any response from the authorities.

A large number of residents have joined the sit-in on ‘Freedom Square’ in protest against the deterioration of services in the area including drinking water, lack of electricity and poor roads.

One of the protestors told Radio Dabanga that despite the strike’s entry into its second week and the many protestors, no officials have come to discuss the problem. He added that the strike would continue until their demands are met.

Earlier this week, Adam Hamadin Mohamed, the coordinator of the sit-in committee, told Radio Dabanga that there is a lack of electricity and that the roads in the region, north-west of Kadugli, are poor. The water in the locality is unsafe for drinking. “This is the cause of many diseases the residents are suffering from.”

File photo by Albert González Farran / Unamid


Sit-in for drinking water in South Kordofan (17 November 2014)


