Killings, hijacks, abduction in Darfur

Two men were shot dead in North and West Darfur on Monday. A displaced man was kidnapped in Kabkabiya locality in North Darfur on Sunday.
Farmer Adam Yahya was fatally shot on his land in the area of Seleia in Jebel Moon locality in West Darfur, an eyewitness reported to Radio Dabanga. He said that the attacker fled immediately.
In El Fasher, capital of North Darfur, armed men hijacked a vehicle after shooting the driver, Mohamed Azahari, on Monday morning. Azhari succumbed to his wounds later in El Fasher Hospital, his neighbour told this station.

Two men were shot dead in North and West Darfur on Monday. A displaced man was kidnapped in Kabkabiya locality in North Darfur on Sunday.

Farmer Adam Yahya was fatally shot on his land in the area of Seleia in Jebel Moon locality in West Darfur, an eyewitness reported to Radio Dabanga. He said that the attacker fled immediately.

In El Fasher, capital of North Darfur, armed men hijacked a vehicle after shooting the driver, Mohamed Azhari, on Monday morning. Azhari succumbed to his wounds later in El Fasher Hospital, one of his relatives told this station.

He added that the North Darfur authorities issued a decree prohibiting the movement of all government vehicles with yellow plates in the evenings in El Fasher, for fear of hijacks.

In the East Darfur capital of Ed Daein, two gunmen stole a vehicle of the Combating Tax Dodging unit on Monday.

On Sunday morning, armed men riding a Land Cruiser assaulted Sherif Yousef on his farm north of the Sortony camp in North Darfur, the coordinator of the Kabkabiya camps reported.

They beat him with their rifle butts, and took him with them to an unknown destination.

