Khartoum hears demands for arrest of South Kordofan killers

People in South Kordofan have renewed their demands to a delegation from Khartoum to arrest the militia members responsible for the massacre at El Senadra and El Shawaya village. Eight people were killed on Friday 2 September.

People in South Kordofan have renewed their demands to a delegation from Khartoum to arrest the militia members responsible for the massacre at El Senadra and El Shawaya village. Eight people were killed on Friday 2 September.

Members of the Popular Defence Forces (PDF) carried out the attack in two villages in the area of El Abbasiya Tegeli on 2 September. The Commissioner of El Abbasiya has stated that the attack was carried out by a group of outlaws, and not PDF members.

Radio Dabanga received reports that a group of PDF troops in two Land Cruisers, and others on motorcycles, raided El Senadra and El Shawaya and shot villagers. 16 people were wounded.

Residents protested several times against the attacks last week. They demand the families of the perpetrators to move out of the area, during a visit by a presidential delegation led by presidential assistant Ibrahim Mahmoud, to El Abbasiya Tegeli on Sunday.

One of the notables of the area told Radio Dabanga that a meeting was held on Sunday between El Abbasiya Tegeli residents and the delegation from Khartoum. The government authorities were asked to implement the demands of the residents.

He added that the meeting held the delegation responsible for any escalation of the situation in the event the authorities delay arresting the perpetrators, or moving their families out of the area.

