JEM dissidents want to participate in Sudan’s national dialogue

Dissidents of the Justice and Equality Movement under Abdelbagi Hussein have announced their willingness to participate in the national dialogue in Sudan.
The group, after seceding from the movement headed by Jibril Ibrahim and returning to Khartoum, said in a press conference on Sunday that they have returned ‘with full conviction to contribute to peace after they have lost hope in the JEM’.
Attending the conference at Corinthia Hotel was the dissident group’s political secretary, Amar Adam, who said that their participation in the national dialogue will occur through the dialogue mechanism and the steering committee of seven government and seven opposition parties (‘7+7 committee’).
“We have sufficient guarantees that enable us to effectively participate in the national dialogue.”
The head of the dissident group, Abdelbagi Hussein, claimed the group would go ahead with the peace process as a strategic option and positively contribute to it.
During the conference, the group called upon all holders of arms in Sudan to give a chance for peaceful ways to achieve their demands and join the dialogue.

Dissidents of the Justice and Equality Movement under Abdelbagi Hussein have announced their willingness to participate in the national dialogue in Sudan.

The group, after seceding from the movement headed by Jibril Ibrahim and returning to Khartoum, said in a press conference on Sunday that they have returned 'with full conviction to contribute to peace after they have lost hope in the JEM'.

Attending the conference at Corinthia Hotel was the dissident group's political secretary, Amar Adam, who said that their participation in the national dialogue will occur through the dialogue mechanism and the steering committee of seven government and seven opposition parties ('7+7 committee').

“We have sufficient guarantees that enable us to effectively participate in the national dialogue.”

The head of the dissident group, Abdelbagi Hussein, claimed the group would go ahead with the peace process as a strategic option and positively contribute to it.

During the conference, the group called upon all holders of arms in Sudan to give a chance for peaceful ways to achieve their demands and join the dialogue.

The conference of the national dialogue in Sudan, chaired by President Omar Al Bashir, is scheduled to start on Saturday 10 October this year. Sudanese opposition parties including the Sudanese Congress Party still refuse to join the national dialogue. A preparatory meeting of the dialogue, proposed by the African Union Peace and Security Council last month, that would include the armed movements of Sudan and opposition parties, was supported by envoys from the U.S. and U.K.. The pre-dialogue meeting was suggested in order to build confidence among all parties and create a conducive environment for the comprehensive dialogue.

