Investigation ordered into North Darfur police station attack

The Governor of North Darfur has ordered the formation of a committee to investigate the armed attack on the El Sareif Beni Hussein police station on 16 June.
That day a number of militants on foot attacked the police station in El Sareif town, in an attempt to break free one of their comrades accused of murder. In the ensuing firefight, the police shot dead two of the attackers. Four policemen were wounded.
On Friday, Governor Abdelwahid Yousef told reporters in the North Darfur capital of El Fasher that he pledged to take any person accused of taking part in the incident to a fair trial.
He further called for the formation of a joint bureau of security officers and members of the native administration to extend the rule of law in the state. The Commissioner of El Sareif Beni Hussein locality, Mohamed Ismail, strongly condemned all forms of violence and stressed “the need to fight the outlaws”.

The Governor of North Darfur has ordered the formation of a committee to investigate the armed attack on the El Sareif Beni Hussein police station on 16 June.

That day a number of militants on foot attacked the police station in El Sareif town, in an attempt to break free one of their comrades accused of murder. In the ensuing firefight, the police shot dead two of the attackers. Four policemen were wounded.

On Friday, Governor Abdelwahid Yousef told reporters in the North Darfur capital of El Fasher that he pledged to take any person accused of taking part in the incident to a fair trial.

He further called for the formation of a joint bureau of security officers and members of the native administration to extend the rule of law in the state. The Commissioner of El Sareif Beni Hussein locality, Mohamed Ismail, strongly condemned all forms of violence and stressed “the need to fight the outlaws”.  

