HUDO: South Kordofan detainees still imprisoned despite Al Bashir’s pledge

Dozens of people remain in incommunicado detention in South Kordofan despite President Al Bashir’s announcement at his public meeting in the state capital Kadugli in January to release all the detainees.

Dozens of people remain in incommunicado detention in South Kordofan despite President Al Bashir’s announcement at his public meeting in the state capital Kadugli in January to release all the detainees.

HUDO, a Sudanese NGO dedicated to the promotion and protection of human rights, said 12 people were held in El Tartar on January 29 and moved to Kadugli, five were detained in Delling on January 22.

The detainees from El Tartar are Babikir El Tijani, Luai Mohamed, Ali Ahmed, Ibrahim El Haj, Babikir Ahmed, Fadlallah El Nuweiri, Nadir Jabir, Ahmed El Karar, Ahmed Adam, Ahmed Radi, Bashir Yasin and Mohamed Ahmed Adam. The detainees from Delling are Mohamed Bilal, Mohamed Idris, Abdallah Mighrani, Zein Mohamed and Seifeldin El Hasab.

HUDO reports that the authorities have not allowed their lawyers and relatives to visit them since their arrest. Despite the presidential announcement at the Kadugli public rally, they are still held incommunicado.

It called on the government to immediately release the detainees and respect the right of expression and assembly and its international obligations to human rights.

