Homeless protest the removal of their houses in Khartoum

The former residents of El Kheirat in the east of the Sudanese capital protested yesterday against the removal of their houses by authorities on Sunday. About 800 houses were demolished the same day, affecting hundreds of families which now live outside.

The residents submitted a memorandum to the Social Affairs committee at the Parliament, in which they refuse the decision to remove the houses, stressing the injustice that the decision has inflicted on them.

Adam Hamid Mohamed, the secretary of services of the El Kheirat neighbourhood in Soba East district, told reporters on Thursday that the affected people are determind to file a complaint against the Director of the Khartoum state Police, the Minister of Interior, and the President.

“The Lands Department apparatus has carried out this removal campaign in isolation from the state government,” he claimed.

The secretary said that the residents have experienced intimidation during the removal on Sunday because security forces used tear gas and live bullets against the crowd.

Police and security services arrived in El Kheirat in about 18 trucks and 12 Hilux vehicles in the morning. The force evacuated pupils from the basic school and the residents in the houses, and they were torn down the same day.

“800 families now live in the open during the rainy season, at risk of the outbreak of disease,” Hamid Mohamed said.

A resident told Radio Dabanga on Monday that officials had promised the committee of residents in El Kheirat to re-plan or move them before the removal of the buildings.

The former residents of El Kheirat in the east of the Sudanese capital protested yesterday against the removal of their houses by authorities on Sunday. About 800 houses were demolished the same day, affecting hundreds of families which now live outside.

The residents submitted a memorandum to the Social Affairs committee at the Parliament, in which they refuse the decision to remove the houses, stressing the injustice that the decision has inflicted on them.

Adam Hamid Mohamed, the secretary of services of the El Kheirat neighbourhood in Soba East district, told reporters on Thursday that the affected people are determind to file a complaint against the Director of the Khartoum state Police, the Minister of Interior, and the President.

“The Lands Department apparatus has carried out this removal campaign in isolation from the state government,” he claimed.

The secretary said that the residents have experienced intimidation during the removal on Sunday because security forces used tear gas and live bullets against the crowd.

Police and security services arrived in El Kheirat in about 18 trucks and 12 Hilux vehicles in the morning. The force evacuated pupils from the basic school and the residents in the houses, that were demolished the same day.

“800 families now live in the open during the rainy season, at risk of the outbreak of disease,” Mohamed said.

A resident told Radio Dabanga on Monday that officials had promised the committee of residents in El Kheirat to re-plan or move them before the removal of the buildings.

