Health centre staff strike in Kass, South Darfur

The personnel working at health centres in Kass locality, South Darfur, are on strike since last week. A displaced woman from Ardeba camp in Kass locality told Radio Dabanga that the medical staff embarked on a strike in protest against the non-payment of their salaries and financial dues. “This seriously increases the suffering of the people in Kass locality,” she said. “In particular widows with children and the orphans in the Kass camps face many humanitarian and health problems. “The deterioration of the health environment and the lack of medical care have contributed to the spread of diseases,” she noted.“The health authorities of Kass locality demanded one Sudanese pound ($0.18) from each displaced person in order to improve the health services. Yet we do not see any improvement on the ground.” File photo: A nurse from World Vision attends a displaced child with medication provided by the WHO at the Unamid base in Khor Abeche, South Darfur (Albert González Farran/Unamid)

The personnel working at health centres in Kass locality, South Darfur, are on strike since last week.

A displaced woman from Ardeba camp in Kass locality told Radio Dabanga that the medical staff embarked on a strike in protest against the non-payment of their salaries and financial dues.

“This seriously increases the suffering of the people in Kass locality,” she said. “In particular widows with children and the orphans in the Kass camps face many humanitarian and health problems.

“The deterioration of the health environment and the lack of medical care have contributed to the spread of diseases,” she noted.

“The health authorities of Kass locality demanded one Sudanese pound ($0.18) from each displaced person in order to improve the health services. Yet we do not see any improvement on the ground.”

File photo: A nurse from World Vision attends a displaced child with medication provided by the WHO at the Unamid base in Khor Abeche, South Darfur (Albert González Farran/Unamid)

