Gunmen shoot man, fire destroys school in Darfur

Gunmen shot and wounded a firewood collector in Tabit in eastern Jebel Marra on Monday. A fire in Gireida, South Darfur, destroyed buildings of a higher secondary school on Monday.

Collecting hay on donkeys in a camp in Gireida (Robert Lankenau)

Gunmen shot and wounded a firewood collector in Tabit in eastern Jebel Marra on Monday. A fire in Gireida, South Darfur, destroyed buildings of a higher secondary school on Monday.

Ibrahim Khatir Suleiman was wounded by gunmen near Sharfa village, 15 km south of Tabit in Tawila locality. A family member member of Ibrahim told Radio Dabanga that three gunmen on camels shot him while he was out to collect firewood.

Ibrahim sustained a leg injury and has been transferred to Shangil Tobaya medical centre for treatment, after reporting the incident to the police.

The family member said there was no apparent reason for the assault.


A huge fire that broke out at Gamareldin higher secondary school on Monday afternoon also torched four houses. A teacher in Gireida told Radio Dabanga that the cause of the fire is not known.

