Government delegation thinks JEM not willing to negotiate

Amin Hassan Omar, head of the government delegation at the Doha talks said that the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) is not willing to negotiate and there are no indications JEM will defreeze this position despite the presence in Doha of Khalil Ibrahim, chairman of the movement.

Amin Hassan Omar, head of the government delegation at the Doha talks said that the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) is not willing to negotiate and there are no indications JEM will defreeze this position despite the presence in Doha of Khalil Ibrahim, chairman of the movement.

Ahmed Togud Lissan, head of the JEM delegation, denied Amin’s statement describing it as political propaganda, adding that the presence of the political and military leaders of JEM in Doha is a strong indication of their desire for peace. JEM had never talked directly with the government so there is no way to say that JEM is unwilling to negotiate, Togud concluded.

