Fur tribe elects new sultan in Darfur

The Shura and Notables’ councils of the Sudanese Fur tribe have chosen Ahmed Hussein Ayoub Ali Dinar as the Sultan for the whole tribe.

The Shura council of Fur elders and the Fur Council of Notables have chosen Ahmed Hussein Ayoub Ali Dinar as the new leader of the entire tribe on Sunday.

The elected Sultan Ahmed Ali Dinar has renewed his commitment to communicate with all tribes in Darfur, “to resolve all social issues in the region”.

Following the election session event on Sunday, June 20, he stated that he wants to work with various native administration leaders to achieve security and stability in all parts of Darfur.

For his part, the head of the Darfur Regional Authority, El Tijani Sese has pointed out the importance of concerted efforts to unify all the Darfuris, and “heal the wounds caused by wars and conflicts in those regions”.

Sese stressed to the new sultan the importance of communicating with all the Darfuri tribes in order to achieve security, stability and peaceful coexistence.

