Forum held in Zalingei on new government Darfur strategy

The citizens of Zalingei called for disarmament as the beginning of establishing security in Darfur. They called for rehabilitating the villages in order to promote voluntary return and a decent life for citizens. They also want compensation both individually and collectively for victims.

The citizens of Zalingei called for disarmament as the beginning of establishing security in Darfur. They called for rehabilitating the villages in order to promote voluntary return and a decent life for citizens. They also want compensation both individually and collectively for victims.These recommendations came during a meeting between the local commission and the citizens on the implementation of new government strategy for Darfur. The event was held in one of the halls of the University of Zalingei on Sunday. The citizens described the new strategy as not feasible and said that it contained many ambiguities as to the time period for implementing it before the referendum on self-determination for the south.

