Foreign settlers claim lands in Kebkabiya area, Darfur

Citizens of Ghara Zawiya village near Kabkabiya in North Darfur said that 1000 new settlers coming from neighboring countries entered 12 of the villages in the area and have occupied them. They have taken over the farmland and ordered the original inhabitants to stay far from their lands.

Citizens of Ghara Zawiya village near Kabkabiya in North Darfur said that 1000 new settlers coming from neighboring countries entered 12 of the villages in the area and have occupied them. They have taken over the farmland and ordered the original inhabitants to stay far from their lands. A citizen of Ghara Zawiya told Radio Dabanga that the new inhabitants came overland on camels and Large Land Cruiser which had machine guns fixed on them, besides many different types of weapons, despite the area having military protection.

He pointed out that the inhabitants have settled in the villages of Um Jaras, Karikar, Hashaba, Um Duldi, Um Siyala, Taradona, East Taradona, Um Hatab, Um Rawaba Adhan Barid and Owen Rado. The citizen added that the original land owners have formed a committee to meet the commissioner of Kabkabiya.

For his part, the commissioner of Kabkabiya, Dr. Adam Mohammed Adam, denied the entrance of new inhabitants into the borders of his county  and said that some of the mentioned villages are under the county of Elsharif Beni Hussein.



