Five die in tribal attack in Darfur

Gunmen attacked Gireida, South Darfur, on Monday and Tuesday, killing five people and wounding 26. Witnesses say that government forces did not protect the people when two neighbourhoods were torched.

Tribal fighting in East Darfur (RD)

Gunmen attacked Gireida, South Darfur, on Monday and Tuesday, killing five people and wounding 26. Witnesses say that government forces did not protect the people when two neighbourhoods were torched.

A witness from Gireida told Radio Dabanga that 35 gunmen on horses attacked Gireida on Monday morning. They left when joint forces intervened. The gunmen returned at 16.00 hours, driving four-wheel drive vehicles and riding horses. They carried various types of weapons.

Many of the injured were in a critical condition and have been transferred to Nyala. The rest of the wounded were treated at Gireida Hospital.

The witness said that the armed group attacked Gereida again on Tuesday morning. They were confronted by joint forces, which later withdrew. The attackers then torched the Rahman and Shati neighbourhoods of Gireida, leading to the displacement of hundreds of people.

In an interview with Radio Dabanga a Gireida resident said that the people of Gireida criticised the regular forces for not repelling the attack. He said that the killing and torching took place before the eyes of the joint forces.

A Gireida resident called on the federal government and the parties involved in the peace process to resolve conflicts regarding land and water resources through legal procedures. He also called for protection for the people in Gireida and in the displacement camps at the outskirts of the town. He asked for assistance to the affected people whose homes were torched. He described the attack as “a deliberate act that targeted displaced people in Gireida”.

In December, militant Fallata herders attacked Masalit neighbourhoods in Gireida after two Fallata tribesmen were shot dead during a dispute at a water well. This led to the deaths of 13 Masalit and the injuring of 34 others.

People from El Daka, near Gireida, said that one person was killed and eight others were wounded on Monday while they were attempting to track down stolen cattle. They also said that renewed fighting over water took place on Tuesday. They said that after Monday’s clashes the government deployed a joint force of fifty vehicles, but these troops “were unable to prevent the clashes that took place on Tuesday and were content with firing shots in the air”.

Former UNAMID base

The United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) Assets Survey Committee in Saraf Omra, North Darfur, said that a limited number of UNAMID’s properties have been stolen. Six suspects have been accused of being involved.

Mohamed Khater told Radio Dabanga that 150 rooms were looted. Among the stolen equipment were two electricity generators, refrigerators and office furniture.

He described the search for the stolen property by the security forces as “modest”, and called for a massive investigation by the state government to track the criminals.


In Khartoum, the General Intelligence Service (GIS) found RPGs, kalashnikovs and 3,880 rounds of ammunition in a house in the Jabra area. The media office of the General Intelligence Service said in a statement that the seizure of weapons and ammunition was carried out in cooperation with the Criminal Investigation Department and was based on information dating back more than three months. Two suspects have been arrested. The GIS reminded people that they must be careful when renting out their homes.


