Families concerned for South Darfur detainees

Relatives of two men who have been detained for two weeks, without any contact with their families, are concerned for their lives and wellbeing.

Relatives of two men who have been detained for two weeks, without any contact with their families, are concerned for their lives and wellbeing.

Ibrahim Mohamed Ahmed (70) and Mohammed Mahmoud Idriss (35) years have been detained by the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) in Nyala, capital of South Darfur. The NISS had not provided the reason or place of their detention.

One the relatives of the detainees told Radio Dabanga that two weeks ago NISS agents arrested Mahmoud Mohammed Idris, from his home at El Dora district in Nyala and took them to an unknown destination.

Agents also arrested merchant Ibrahim Mohamed from the transportation station while he was on the way from the market to his house at El Salam district, and took him to an unknown destination.

He said they are worried about the lives and the fate of the detainees.

