Employees in South Darfur’s Gireida docked to cover expenses

Authorities in Gireida, South Darfur, have decided to deduct SDG17 ($2.80) from their employees’ salaries this month to cover some of the locality’s expenses.
Speaking to Radio Dabanga from Gireida, a listener reported that the executive director of the locality, El Hadi Hamed Suleiman, and the head of the Gireida security apparatus announced the SDG17 deduction on Sunday.

Authorities in Gireida, South Darfur, have decided to deduct SDG17 ($2.80) from their employees’ salaries this month to cover some of the locality’s expenses.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga from Gireida, a listener reported that the executive director of the locality, El Hadi Hamed Suleiman, and the head of the Gireida security apparatus announced the SDG17 deduction on Sunday.

The money will partly be spent on a reception to be held on the occasion of the new commissioner of Gireida, he explained. “The other half of the amount will be used to pay compensation to someone, whose camel was found killed in the locality.”

The population of Gireida strongly denounced the decision, saying that the state is responsible for the expenses on receptions of this kind, “not the citizens”.

He said that the majority of the affected employees are teachers, “who should be able to do their job undisturbed by such frustrating measures”.

