Eid Al Adha: Sudan’s President Al Bashir calls for ‘unity, cooperation, solidarity, brotherhood, harmony, and trust’

Speaking on the occasion of Eid Al Adha, the Muslim ‘Feast of Sacrifice’, Sudan’s President Omar Al Bashir has called on the Sudanese to engage in dialogue, education, and cooperation for the reconstruction of the country.

Speaking on the occasion of Eid Al Adha, the Muslim ‘Feast of Sacrifice’, Sudan’s President Omar Al Bashir has called on the Sudanese to engage in dialogue, education, and cooperation for the reconstruction of the country.

“Reaching and achieving goals require unity, cooperation, solidarity, brotherhood, harmony, and trust,” the President said.

However, in his Eid El Adha sermon at El Sayed Abdelrahman mosque in Wad Nubawi, Imam El Sadig El Mahdi, President of the National Umma Party, said that “the country has been subjected to a kidnapping for a quarter of a century, named by its people a civilised orientation,” referring to the ruling government.

‘Contrary to Islam’

El Mahdi said that the ruling regime applied provisions of Islamic origin, but in system contrary to Islam's political principles of dignity, liberty, justice, equality, and peace.

El Mahdi said that “the regime has become accustomed to entering into an alliance that is biased first towards one side and then towards the opposite, which destroyed the interests of the country, downplayed its history, and damaged the history of our balanced foreign relations”.

He said that the regime is currently facing 63 UN Security Council resolutions, most of them under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations and its leadership is subject to criminal prosecution “all for the sour fruits of its sowing,” El Mahdi asserted.

Arms collection

El Mahdi put forward a package of conditions that he described as useful for collecting weapons, including peace, security, and participation of powerful forces and the native administrations in the programme.

He said that the collection of arms should include all the irregular parties, especially the pro-regime ones. The arms-collection authority should be credible and impartial and that the programme should be accompanied by rewarding incentives and a law that would lead to a fair trial.


