‘Egyptian terrorists trained in Sudan’: El Hayat newspaper

Investigations by the Egyptian Supreme State Security Prosecution have revealed that terrorists associated with the Muslim Brotherhood have received military training and intelligence support in Sudan.
On Friday, the London-based El Hayat reported that investigations by the Supreme State Security Prosecution in Egypt into the Hasam Movement* urban insurgency group and its members revealed support from within Sudan, Qatar, and Turkey in support of the Islamist group.

Investigations by the Egyptian Supreme State Security Prosecution have revealed that terrorists associated with the Muslim Brotherhood have received military training and intelligence support in Sudan.

On Friday, the London-based El Hayat reported that investigations by the Supreme State Security Prosecution in Egypt into the Hasam Movement* urban insurgency group and its members revealed support from within Sudan, Qatar, and Turkey in support of the Islamist group.

The Hasam Movement reportedly emerged in October 2016 when the group shot a police officer and security official dead in Egypt’s El Beheira province. After the assassination, the group posted a statement online stating they are the armed resistance to President El Sisi’s government.

Sudan's ambassador to Cairo, Abdelhalim Abdelmahmoud, responded immediately to the report, and strongly denied that Khartoum hosted Egyptian extremist and terrorist groups on its territory.

*Hasam = Harakat Sawa'id Misr, literally Forearms of the Egypt Movement, but the word hasam can also be translated as ‘decisiveness’.

