Dr. Jibril: ‘SRF is moving forward to realize change’

Dr. Jibril Ibrahim Mohamed, head of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), said the Sudan Revolutionary Front is moving forward to realizing change in Sudan and toppling the current regime, Radio Dabanga has learned on Friday November 16.
Dr. Jibril stressed in an interview with Radio Dabanga, who said he is currently staying in South Kordofan, that the government’s conspiracies against the movement reflect JEM’s strength, and that it is on the right track.
Responding to a question about the latter split in the movement and its impact, he said “the JEM cannot be dismantled like a gotiyah (traditional hut).” He emphasized that the movement is more powerful than before and will not perish.
Moreover, he expressed his regret that the people of Doha – Qatar, who consider themselves mediators, are claiming a split within the movement, encouraging it and spending money to support it, which will certainly not bring peace, he added to Radio Dabanga.
At the same time, he said that the cause for which Dr. Khalil Ibrahim, former JEM leader who was killed last year, sacrificed his life, will be kept alive.
‘High morale’
Dr. Jibril pointed out that “individuals who are tired of walking on this track, can get off at the station of their choice”, adding: “our train is moving on the track, our army’s morale is high and the movement is stronger than ever before.” He said: “the lion senses who among the men wants to kill it, so that means the government knows it is being chased by the movement.”
Furthermore, he stated that JEM had reached Khartoum before and will reach Khartoum again, only this time together with the SRF, he added to Radio Dabanga.

Dr. Jibril Ibrahim Mohamed, head of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), said the Sudan Revolutionary Front is moving forward to realizing change in Sudan and toppling the current regime, Radio Dabanga has learned on Friday November 16.

Dr. Jibril stressed in an interview with Radio Dabanga, who said he is currently staying in South Kordofan, that the government’s conspiracies against the movement reflect JEM’s strength, and that it is on the right track.

Responding to a question about the latter split in the movement and its impact, he said “the JEM cannot be dismantled like a gotiyah (traditional hut).” He emphasized that the movement is more powerful than before and will not perish.

Moreover, he expressed his regret that the people of Doha – Qatar, who consider themselves mediators, are claiming a split within the movement, encouraging it and spending money to support it, which will certainly not bring peace, he added to Radio Dabanga.

At the same time, he said that the cause for which Dr. Khalil Ibrahim, former JEM leader who was killed last year, sacrificed his life, will be kept alive.

‘High morale’

Dr. Jibril pointed out that “individuals who are tired of walking on this track, can get off at the station of their choice”, adding: “our train is moving on the track, our army’s morale is high and the movement is stronger than ever before.” He said: “the lion senses who among the men wants to kill it, so that means the government knows it is being chased by the movement.”

Furthermore, he stated that JEM had reached Khartoum before and will reach Khartoum again, only this time together with the SRF, he added to Radio Dabanga.

