Doctors in Nyala go on complete strike

Say their demands haven’t been met after one year of negotiationsGeneral practitioners, specialists and staff members of Nyala Teaching Hospital in South Darfur announced on Monday that they would go on a complete strike.

Say their demands haven’t been met after one year of negotiations

General practitioners, specialists and staff members of Nyala Teaching Hospital in South Darfur announced on Monday that they would go on a complete strike.Mohammed Kamal, the hospital director, said that they had to take this step because the ministry of finance hadn’t honored their demands for over a year. He said in a statement, “The decision was made after the failure of attempts and frequent meetings with the authorities of the state to find solutions.”

He stressed that the minister of finance had refused to pay the doctors the specified amount.

Kamal acknowledged that operations in the department had stopped working for over six months leading to a decline in health standards, especially in the women’s and maternity ward. They had also been facing acute shortage of assistance in many other sections.

Doctors in Nyala resumed their strike last week after the government failed to keep up its promise of fulfilling their demands within a 30-day deadline provided by them.



