Displaced Darfur woman raped while fetching firewood

A 45-year-old displaced woman living in the Ayour Bari neighbourhood in Saraf Omra locality, North Darfur, was raped by five gunmen while she was fetching firewood.

Darfur woman collecting firewood (Albert Gonzalez Farran / UNAMID)

A displaced woman was gang-raped in Saraf Omra, North Darfur, on Saturday.

The 45-year-old displaced woman lives in Ayour Bari in Saraf Omra locality. When she was fetching firewood in the neighbourhood, five gunmen intercepted her, and raped her one by one.

The Darfur Displaced and Refugee Camps General Coordination reported that the incident was filed with the local police. The victim has been transferred to a health centre in Saraf Omra.

