Darfur Governors pledge to restore rule of law

A special committee will be formed in Central Darfur to implement the orders of the Presidency concerning the improvement of the security situation in Darfur.
Jaafar Abdelhakam, Governor of Central Darfur, stated in his Eid El Adha speech in the state capital Zalingei this morning that the inventory and the collection of unlicensed arms and vehicles in Darfur will commence immediately after the feast.
He added that legislative councils will be established in each locality to control the performance of the local authorities.
In El Geneina, capital of West Darfur, Governor Fadlelmoula El Huja, said in his speech that his government will exert all efforts “to impose the prestige of the state and the rule of law” and “prevent the misuse of public money”.
The Governor of North Darfur announced in his Eid El Adha speech this morning that “the state authorities will pursue infringements of the law with vigour over the coming period”.
Governor Abdelwahid Yousif promised his audience in El Fasher that “wrongdoers and criminals will all be brought to justice”.

A special committee will be formed in Central Darfur to implement the orders of the Presidency concerning the improvement of the security situation in Darfur.

Jaafar Abdelhakam, Governor of Central Darfur, stated in his Eid El Adha speech in the state capital Zalingei this morning that the inventory and the collection of unlicensed arms and vehicles in Darfur will commence immediately after the feast.

He added that legislative councils will be established in each locality to control the performance of the local authorities.

In El Geneina, capital of West Darfur, Governor Fadlelmoula El Huja, said in his speech that his government will exert all efforts “to impose the prestige of the state and the rule of law” and “prevent the misuse of public money”.

The Governor of North Darfur announced in his Eid El Adha speech this morning that “the state authorities will pursue infringements of the law with vigour over the coming period”.

Governor Abdelwahid Yousif promised his audience in El Fasher that “wrongdoers and criminals will all be brought to justice”.

