Crackdown on protestors across Sudan this week

Protests, rallies and vigils demanding full civilian rule in Sudan took place on Wednesday, despite crackdowns by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and detention of activists in El Fasher and other state capitals.

Protestors take to the streets on April 25 in El Fasher, North Darfur (File photo)

Protests, rallies and vigils demanding full civilian rule in Sudan took place on Wednesday, despite crackdowns by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and detention of activists in El Fasher and other state capitals.

On Monday, paramilitaries of the Rapid Support Forces detained three activists in Birkat Seira in North Darfur and transferred them without charge to El Fasher, following commands of an officer of the Border Guards.

The three detained activists are Feisal Yagoub, Ibrahim Mousa, and Izzeldin Adam.


On Wednesday afternoon, army forces dispersed a rally and speeches organised by the Alliance for Freedom and Change (AFC) in Kassala using excessive violence. The Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) in Kassala condemned the army's conduct and described it as a dangerous and uncommon event.

The SPA emphasised that this behaviour comes in light of the launch of the ‘March of the Millions’ on June 30, calling on the army to protect civilians and renewing its commitment to a peaceful transition in Sudan.

El Gedaref

In El Gedaref, a seminar scheduled to take place on Monday evening at the Teachers' Hostel turned into a large demonstration, after police vehicles surrounded the area and prevented speakers and attendees from entering the area. They also confiscated the sound system.

Accoring to activist Jaafar Khidir, attendees who arrived early insisted on holding the seminar using hand-held loudspeakers. A demonstration broke out on the road outside the hostel. The police reacted by shooting tear gas and using excessive violence against protestors, according to reports received by Radio Dabanga.


Atbara in Nile River state saw a heavy deployment of security forces and RSF militiamen to prevent any activities of the AFC or protests against the military junta. This follows the break up of a political rally held by the AFC at El Matar district in Atbara last Tuesday by the security forces and Rapid Support Forces.


On Wednesday, a security forces detained 11 engineers and technicians of the Sudanese Electricity Corporation from within their workplace in Riyad district in Khartoum.

The SPA said in a statement that the Director General of the corporation must support the employees of his institution.

Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that dozens of Land Cruisers besiege these offices on a daily basis.

The association of specialists and technicians of radiology announced that a number of technicians have arbitrarily been dismissed. It stressed that radiologists abroad will continue to pay contributions to help and support all the dismissed until their situation is corrected.


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