‘Concern for civilians in Blue Nile’: OCHA

Humanitarian organisations operating in Blue Nile state are concerned about the needs of civilians affected by recent hostilities between government security forces and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) in some parts of Blue Nile state.
While there are no reports of any civilian casualties or displacement thus far, humanitarian organisations are concerned about the possible protection and humanitarian needs of civilians in the areas affected, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Sudan states in its latest weekly bulletin.

Humanitarian organisations operating in Blue Nile state are concerned about the needs of civilians affected by recent hostilities between government security forces and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) in some parts of Blue Nile state.

While there are no reports of any civilian casualties or displacement thus far, humanitarian organisations are concerned about the possible protection and humanitarian needs of civilians in the areas affected, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Sudan states in its latest weekly bulletin.

On 28 January, an Antonov of the Sudanese Air Force dropped ten barrel bombs on villages in western Bau locality, Radio Dabanga reported. Many farms were destroyed. Two days later, fighting erupted between government forces and combatants of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) in the Kilgo hills, in the northern part of Bau locality.

The Blue Nile state authorities have communicated to UN agencies and other international humanitarian organisations that a comprehensive state-wide inter-agency needs assessment mission will take place during the first half of February and will be facilitated by the state authorities, the OCHA bulletin reads.

Child protection

Save the Children-Sweden and the Sudanese El Salam Organisation for Rehabilitation and Development are implementing a child protection project targeting displaced children in the state.

The campaigns focus on how to stop female genital mutilation, early marriage, child soldiers, and enlighten children and families on children’s rights including to the right to education and child protection laws. The two campaigns were attended by about 3,500 children.

