Clash between displaced farmers, villagers in South Darfur leaves 17 injured

At least 17 people were injured in a clash that erupted between displaced farmers and residents of Deshisha village in South Darfur on Saturday.
Speaking to Radio Dabanga, an eyewitness reported from Deshisha in eastern Bielel locality that the farmers came from Kalma camp for the displaced
“They intended to cultivate the land they left when they had to flee,” he explained. “Yet a group of villagers did not like this, and went out to chase them from the farms on Saturday morning.
“A huge fight broke out, in which they attacked each other with knives and other white arms. More than 17 people were injured. Some of them seriously. They had to be taken to the Nyala Teaching Hospital for treatment.”

Adam El Faki, Governor of South Darfur (file photo)

At least 17 people were injured in a clash that erupted between displaced farmers and residents of Deshisha village in South Darfur on Saturday.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, an eyewitness reported from Deshisha in eastern Bielel locality that the farmers came from Kalma camp for the displaced

“They intended to cultivate the land they left when they had to flee,” he explained. “Yet a group of villagers did not like this, and went out to chase them from the farms on Saturday morning.

“A huge fight broke out, in which they attacked each other with knives and other white arms. More than 17 people were injured. Some of them seriously. They had to be taken to the Nyala Teaching Hospital for treatment.”

Police forces, under the supervision of the locality commissioner, intervened. They separated the two parties and restored calm to the area.

Brotherhood, love and unity’

The governor of South Darfur, Adam El Faki, announced a conference to be held in the state capital of Nyala “for all the people of the state”.

The conference is meant to reach peaceful coexistence between the various communities in the state. “We seek tribal reconciliation, social peace, brotherhood, love, and unity,” he told reporters in Nyala on Saturday. “We must overcome the past and take the state forward.”

