Camp Mornei and camp Zamzam plagued by malaria and malnutrition

Residents of camp Mornei in Central Darfur suffer from poor health conditions as diseases like malaria and malnutrition spread rapidly. Especially children, elderly and pregnant women suffer from the diseases. Residents told Radio Dabanga there is no doctor working in the camp and that the hospital in Mornei is not functioning well. One of the elders from camp Mornei said the hospital does not have a general pracitioner and there is a lack of beds in the hospital. The farsha of Mornei said another problem is a lack of medicines in the hospitals. Doctors write prescriptions and ask patients to buy their drugs from pharmacies in the streets. A lot of people, however, cannot afford to buy drugs and do therefore not receive treatment. As a result, they turn to herbal treatment and traditional medicines. The farsha of Mornei calls on local authorities and humanitarian organizations to solve the problems in the hospital of Mornei and to assist the displaced people of camp. In North Darfur, in camp Zamzam, children suffer from an outbreak of diarrhea and fever. The outbreak raised fear and panic among their parents. They do not know what caused or how to treat the sudden illness of their children. An activist from camp Zamzam said the facilities in the nearby hospitals need to be improved as soon as possible. In the meantime, he argued, there is an urgent need for medicines and doctors inside the clinics of the camp.

Residents of camp Mornei in Central Darfur suffer from poor health conditions as diseases like malaria and malnutrition spread rapidly. Especially children, elderly and pregnant women suffer from the diseases.

Residents told Radio Dabanga there is no doctor working in the camp and that the hospital in Mornei is not functioning well. One of the elders from camp Mornei said the hospital does not have a general pracitioner and there is a lack of beds in the hospital.

The farsha of Mornei said another problem is a lack of medicines in the hospitals. Doctors write prescriptions and ask patients to buy their drugs from pharmacies in the streets. A lot of people, however, cannot afford to buy drugs and do therefore not receive treatment. As a result, they turn to herbal treatment and traditional medicines.

The farsha of Mornei calls on local authorities and humanitarian organizations to solve the problems in the hospital of Mornei and to assist the displaced people of camp.

In North Darfur, in camp Zamzam, children suffer from an outbreak of diarrhea and fever. The outbreak raised fear and panic among their parents. They do not know what caused or how to treat the sudden illness of their children.

An activist from camp Zamzam said the facilities in the nearby hospitals need to be improved as soon as possible. In the meantime, he argued, there is an urgent need for medicines and doctors inside the clinics of the camp.

