BBC Africa Eye exposes Sudan govt ‘secret hit squads’

BBC Africa Eye has analysed dozens of dramatic videos filmed during the recent uprising, and spoken with witnesses who have survived torture. Some of these protestors speak of a secret and widely feared holding facility – The Fridge – where the cold is used as an instrument of torture.

Sudanese forces pursue a lone protestor in Burri on January 6

BBC Africa Eye has analysed dozens of dramatic videos filmed during the recent uprising, and spoken with witnesses who have survived torture. Some of these protestors speak of a secret and widely feared holding facility – The Fridge – where the cold is used as an instrument of torture.

Dramatic footage filmed by protestors in Sudan shows masked security agents chasing down protestors, beating them and dragging them away to secret detention centres.

What happens inside Sudan’s secret detention centres? Who are these hit squads? Where are these detention centres? And what happens inside their walls?

See the complete video report here

